Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Love. Period. - A review

In Love Period, Pastor Rudy Rasmus takes on one of the most important and challenging virtues of the Christian life, namely love. He states that when we choose to love, we are signaling to the world that a revolution has taken place in our hearts. This of course is not a revolution started by us but by God Himself who has planted that desire in us. What would ensue if we truly loved those who are different from us in economic status, identity, social status, race, background, etc? How will life be different if we loved people without conditions? What about people we do not get along with? What might happen if we embraced the principles of 1 Corinthians 13 and applied it to our personal relationships? What if we truly considered the other person more important than ourselves? Can these virtues be actualized in our lifetime?
There are 12 chapters in his book and he exposits each of the characteristics of love. Some of them are love has no conditions; love never quits; love must be learned; love is kind; love honors others, etc. He states that the three qualities of loving leadership are: consistency, integrity, and dignity. Consistency has a lot to do with discipline and living an orderly life. Integrity as it was modeled by his mother had to do with belief and behavior. In other words, his mother modeled this principle by believing what she said and saying what she believed. There was no guile or duplicity in her speech and behavior. Dignity has to do with giving respect to others as they are made in the image of God. Rudy Rasmus has written a book that is eminently readable and he offers practical principles that can be applied to any person’s life.