In Restoring Christmas, Cynthia Ruchti tells the story of Alexis Blake who is an interior designer who has a shot at fame and an enviable career that is above ordinary if she can get a home remodeled in just eight weeks. Alexis Blake working with an unknown video-grapher who has a point to prove, and trying to please the aging homeowner is no easy thing as they all are hindered by self-doubt and fears.
As the fall turns into the blistering winter and snow covers the small town of Algoma, Wisconsin, the inevitable deterioration of the old home only seem to expose the hurts and disappointments of the owner. Even if Alexis can repair the floors of the old farmhouse, can she really repair and restore the hope of those people who are counting on her? To read on, get a copy of Ruchti’s Restoring Christmas this season!
Ruchti is the award winning author of more than eighteen books and a speaker at women’s ministry events. She serves as the Professional Relations Liasion for American Christian Fiction Writers, helping retailers, libraries, and book clubs discover good books and connect with authors. She lives with her husband in Central Wisconsin.