Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Happiness According to Jesus - Bobby Schuller (A review)

It is the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest preacher who ever lived. All the armies who ever marched, all the navies who ever sailed, all the parliaments who ever sat, and all the kings who ever reigned have not affected the life of mankind like this one solitary life. This Jesus of Nazareth, one day sat down and delivered one of the finest speeches in history which is known today as the Sermon on the Mount. I had the privilege to memorize this sermon (Matthew 5, 6, 7) and recite/deliver it at my church (I used to attend). After the delivery my pastor gave me big hug and told me that he has been pasturing for 40 years and had never seen that performed in his life. Bobby Schuller’s Happiness According to Jesus, is an exposition of Jesus’ masterful sermon. Dallas Willard has summarized the theme of the sermon as “It is God’s plan to overcome evil with good in human history and to use each one of us to do it.” In short, the sermon is a counterintuitive, countercultural manifesto of the kingdom of God. There are eighteen chapters in this book and Schuller seasons each chapter with explanation and anecdotes to get the message across.

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