Friday, September 18, 2015

Redeeming Pleasure - by Jeremy Jernigan

Our lives are often transfixed between two extremes: drudgery and pleasure. The search for pleasure is often the sole purpose of many lives. It is reflected in our hobbies, relationships, and vocations. Our vacations, weekends, and even our evenings are examined, measured, and calculated by how much we enjoyed it. Pleasure is the driving force behind most of our decisions that we claim to have control over. Virtually everyone hears, thinks, and knows about pleasure but why do so few of us ever seem to really enjoy it? This is one of the questions that Jeremy Jernigan asks in his new book, Redeeming Pleasure: How The Pursuit of Pleasure Mirrors our Hunger for God. Is pleasure something that we can truly experience that can satisfy our deepest cravings and provide lasting satisfaction? The author takes his readers all the way back to the very beginning to God’s intention as One who created all things and pronounced His benediction by calling it good. Jernigan provides personal stories, anecdotes, brilliant insights and wisdom from authors from yesteryear and thinkers from ages past to help us understand the purpose of pleasure.

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