Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Miracle of the Kurds

The Kurds are often known to the rest of the world as a people group isolated from the rest of the world. In The Miracle of the Kurds, bestselling author Stephen Mansfield traces the history of Kurds and recounts how these people were betrayed by the Europeans after World War I and were forced to be part of the oppressive Iraqi regime and murdered in the thousands by Saddam Hussein. In Chapter 2, Mansfield provides a timeline and traces their history all the way back to 6300 BC till present day. This gives a brief overview of their history and the events that had transpired.
Towards the end of the book, Mansfield has an appendix where he provides 100 proverbs of the Kurds. Reading and reflecting on these proverbs is worth the price of the book because these are wise sayings that can apply to any human being located at any part of the world. He also provides a list of films that were made about the Kurds and also how they were portrayed in the novels.