Saturday, October 17, 2015

Knit, Purl, Pray - Lisa Bogart

Why pause to knit? Lisa Bogart says that she loves the peace and quiet that knitting offers. It is the perfect time for reflection. In this quiet frame of mind, her thoughts slow down and her muscles relax. And the insights she garners through this sacred act of reflection, she shares generously in her new book, Knit, Purl, Pray: 52 Devotions for the Creative Soul. Lisa Bogart has gifted over 70 sweaters to Guideposts’ Knit for Kids. Her award winning devotions have appeared in several publications including Guideposts and she is the author of Come On In: Taking the Hassle out of Hospitality. As the subtitle suggests, her new book contains 52 devotions in which Bogart shares that the knitter knows that the time spent creating something beautiful and useful can also be a time to be quiet and reflect. The author sees life’s challenges as something that can be unraveled and reworked into something beautiful. Doesn’t the Author of our lives and the Grand Knitter do the same in our lives as He uses the dark and colorful threads and knits something beautiful for His kingdom and His glory?

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