Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sacred Intent: Maximize The Moments of Your Life - By Brent Crowe

“If life were a week,” writes Brent Crowe in his book Sacred Intent, “you would make every moment count.” In his book, Crowe makes an urgent call to his readers to be good stewards of our human experience. He provides a mental map and model for focusing the want to in your life so that you can live a life of sacred intent. The paradigm shift he wants his readers to make in their lives is meant to shrink life into something manageable that can be accomplished and completed. To live with a sacred intent means to be completely and wholeheartedly intentional understanding that each moment is entrusted to us and that we do not own anything but are stewards of our time, talent, and resources. He breaks down each day of the week as follows:
Monday: Influence
Tuesday: Time
Wednesday: Calling
Thursday: Engagement
Friday: Relationships
Saturday: Motivation
Sunday: Dream
Crowe poignantly writes, the manner in which we execute our time becomes the autobiography of our soul. In the end, which is really the beginning, our use of time will be the link on the page that is our story or autobiography…or rather, the preface to a much greater story that will be lived out in heaven.

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