Saturday, April 11, 2015

God of the Big Bang by Dr Leslie Wickman

Can faith and science coexist? That has been the perennial question that has haunted skeptics, seekers, and saints alike. In God of the Big Bang, Dr Leslie Wickman makes the case that scientific evidence strongly supports that our universe had a beginning. She explores many different and difficult questions. Can anyone prove that God exists or is it based on probability? How should the creation account of Genesis be interpreted in light of modern scientific evidence? Is Christianity rational or is it just another leap into the dark? Can it stand the scrutiny of science and logic? How should Christians respond to the environmental problems? Is there a reason that the universe is rational, understandable, and orderly? Does that have any impact in our philosophical reasoning? Wickman is clear and concise in her explanation as she tries to ferret through the “extreme” positions held by materialists and young earth creationists. This is a valid critique because the real arguments are often obfuscated and undermined when people of these two extremes tend to hi-jack the debate. Read this book to be informed about the issues that surround this fundamental question of human existence - namely the existence of God.

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